Be Seen, Be Heard,

and Make an Impact

For entrepreneurs, content creators and aspiring speakers

I believe every woman is a star,

destined to shine bright in her own unique way.

You've been told many times to "just show up authentically" and you tried but found yourself lost in the rabbit hole of social media, comparing yourself to others, being ignored, not selling your offers.

The truth is, only when you find yourself, discover what makes you unique, and get out of your own way, you will be able to build your business from a place of sovereignty.

Your presence is a gift; stop hiding it

In our work together, we will embark on a transformative journey. You will gain the tools and guidance needed to share your voice, create impact, and build a life and business that authentically reflects your essence.

Together, we will unlock the potential within you, ensuring that you shine brightly as the star you are destined to be.

  • Your worth is not defined by likes or followers on social media platforms.

  • Even if your message positively impacts just one person, it is a profound contribution to the world.

  • You don't have to strive to be the most creative, the funniest, or the best dressed. Instead, focus on the invisible work—nurturing your inner wisdom and embracing your authentic self—and show up as the star you are meant to be.

Hi, I'm Marizette

I am a multilingual public speaker, journalist, communication & and self-development coach, mother of two, former model, and entrepreneur, originally from Brazil.

I started working in the audiovisual world early, first in front of the camera as a model and trained actress, later behind the camera working for an award-winning documentary production company.

In 2007, I made the transformative move to Spain and opened a yoga studio, as well as leading feminine circles, supporting women through coaching.

After a traumatic divorce, I spent 6 years helping an international self-development company spread their message across social media platforms in both Brazil and Europe.

My professional trajectory took a pivotal turn when I decided to launch an online school and found that I was so used to spreading someone else's message that I had lost the connection with my own.

I'd lost touch with who I was, full of self-doubt and imposter syndrome. So I started hiding, a mere shadow of my former self.

Instead of sharing my talents, services, and ideas openly on platforms like Instagram, I found myself retreating into isolation, fearing rejection.

The turning point came when I sought help and created a strong support network, which helped me escape from the self-imposed "cave" of doubt, propelling me back into the light.

My journey is a testament to resilience and the transformative power of seeking support, and I am dedicated to sharing these experiences to inspire YOU on your path to personal and professional growth.

In the Media


Costa Women

A speaker interview introducing my talk Irresistible Instagram for the annual Costa Women conference in Marbella. Read or watch here.


Costa Women

An introduction to the Costa Women community, an international community for expat women living in Spain. Read here.


An interview for hsm Magazine Madrid

Sharing about my secrets for success . Read here.


An interview for Women's World Show TV

Sharing about the power of ageless beauty . Read here.

Work with me

  • A 6-Month Journey of Personal Growth and Self-Discovery to Help You Be Seen, Impact & Sell Online

  • Reclaim Your Feminine Power, Shine Authentically, and Create Influence

Let's connect

Marizette Martins ©2023