Resonate, Influence, Stand Out, Empower

VIP Mentorship: A 6-Month Journey of Personal Growth and Self-Discovery to Help You Be Seen, Impact & Sell Online


Resonate, Influence,

Stand Out, Empower

VIP Mentorship: A 6-Month Journey of Personal Growth and Self-Discovery to Help You Be Seen, Impact & Sell Online

Show up on social media - authentically and unapologetically.

Build a strong personal brand and profitable business.

Wouldn't it be amazing?

Doing work you love, making a difference in the world AND making good money in the process.

The thing is, you're so used to looking after everyone else, and it's been so long since you've focused on your own goals and dreams, that self-doubt has pushed your natural confidence aside.

You're not sure where to start.

Maybe you've tried before to build your presence on social media and turn it into a flourishing business, but had to give up before it had a chance to pick up momentum.

Now you're no longer sure you can do it again.

Your inner voice isn't kind ..

"What if I'm too old and it's too late for me?"

"What if I'm not good enough?"

"What if it doesn't work out?"

"What will they think?"

So you've been hiding

Instead of showing up online consistently, you've been hiding - you scroll, you compare yourself with others. You don't want to be perceived as inauthentic, and you don't want to share too much, so you show up sporadically or you don't share anything at all.

Hiding won't build your brand, starting with SELF-DISCOVERY does.

If you've watched tutorials and taken courses to teach you how to show up on social media, you know that they are helpful but not enough.

Instead, you need to dig into your inner world in order to create a brand that's aligned with your power to influence, resonate, and show up to empower your business as the stage of your self-expression.

Entrepreneurship is a journey of self-discovery.

It's not about learning how to DO, it's about learning how to BE.

You need to start from the INSIDE. You need to start with YOU.

Let's R.I.S.E. Together

The fact that you're here shows me that you're ready to R.I.S.E. - to do the inner work needed to get the outside results you crave.

Hi, I'm Marizette

I am a multilingual public speaker, journalist, communication & and self-development coach, mother of two, former model, and entrepreneur, originally from Brazil.

I started working in the audiovisual world early, first in front of the camera as a model and trained actress, later behind the camera working for an award-winning documentary production company.

In 2007, I made the transformative move to Spain and opened a yoga studio, as well as leading feminine circles, supporting women through coaching.

After a traumatic divorce, I spent 6 years helping an international self-development company spread their message across social media platforms in both Brazil and Europe.

My professional trajectory took a pivotal turn when I decided to launch an online school and found that I was so used to spreading someone else's message that I had lost the connection with my own.

I'd lost touch with who I was, full of self-doubt and imposter syndrome. So I started hiding, a mere shadow of my former self.

Instead of sharing my talents, services, and ideas openly on platforms like Instagram, I found myself retreating into isolation, fearing rejection.

The turning point came when I sought help and created a strong support network, which helped me escape from the self-imposed "cave" of doubt, propelling me back into the light.

My journey is a testament to resilience and the transformative power of seeking support, and I am dedicated to sharing these experiences to inspire YOU on your path to personal and professional growth.

I believe that every woman is a STAR destined to shine bright in her own unique way.

Now is your time to BE courageous, BE connected, BE Visible.

The R.I.S.E. VIP Mentorship program offers a ROADMAP and personal guidance for building a personal brand that showcases your unique TALENTS and strengths, and forms a strong foundation for your business success online.

"I can share and emit the light of who I am, with nothing to prove." 

"Before working with Marizette, it felt like I was always hustling and scrambling, but not getting any closer to my desired objectives… like a puppy trying to catch a ball in water.  

Marizete is not only teaching me to slow down and trust in my ability to attract good things my way, but also and receive them when they come. 

I can share and emit the light of who I am, with nothing to prove. 

 And as I grow calmer and more grounded, more and more things are going my way."

Maxine Grossman

VIP Mentorship: A 6-Month Journey of Personal Growth and Self-Discovery to Help You Be Seen, Impact & Sell Online

The Outside Is a Reflection of The Inside

As you well know, freshening up the outside doesn't help without the inner work.

That's why we work on three crucial areas:

  • Self-Discovery Blueprint: Self-discovery and clarity, focusing on finding oneself, discovering values, and building an authentic personal brand.

  • Inner Healing Path - Healing and self-compassion, emphasizing the process of healing past wounds, nurturing self-compassion, and designing a practical self-care routine.

  • Authentic Communication Guide - Empowering authentic communication, helping clients integrate their unique communication style and confidently show up on social media.

At the end of our time together, you'll discover

A lifestyle that is aligned with your core values

More confidence to express yourself,

Your unique feminine way of showing up as you are, unapologetically

How we work together

  • We start with one deep-dive session, to get crystal clear on your journey, and to make a plan

  • We'll meet for one session a week for a period of 6 months because getting out of your head and getting back into your femininity is a journey, and some blocks just need some time to dissolve

  • You have access to me via WhatsApp, for those emergencies that can happen between calls

  • You'll receive recommended resources and feedback as needed, so you get the support you need when you need it

How to apply

Step 1

Click the button below and complete the application form

Step 2

Within a day, you'll receive an email with a link to book a discovery call.

Step 3

If we both feel the program is right for you, you'll receive a link to choose your payment option and enroll in the program

Marizette Martins ©2023